Name | Description | Type |
CobDev | COBUILD frequency deviation | numeric |
CobLog | COBUILD frequency, logarithmic | numeric |
CobMln | COBUILD frequency (1,000,000) | numeric |
CobSLog | COBUILD spoken frequency, logarithmic | numeric |
CobSMln | COBUILD spoken frequency (1,000,000) | numeric |
CobS | COBUILD spoken frequency 1.3m | numeric |
CobSpellDev | COBUILD spelling frequency deviation | numeric |
CobSpellFreq | COBUILD spelling frequency | numeric |
CobWLog | COBUILD written frequency, logarithmic | numeric |
CobWMln | COBUILD written frequency (1,000,000) | numeric |
CobW | COBUILD written frequency 17.4m | numeric |
Cob | COBUILD frequency | numeric |
Comp | inflectional feature: comparative | string |
FlectType | type of flection | string |
IdNumLemma | lemma number | numeric |
IdNum | word number | numeric |
Inf | inflectional feature: infinitive | string |
OrthoCnt | number of spellings | numeric |
OrthoNum | spelling number | numeric |
OrthoStatus | status of spelling | string |
Part | inflectional feature: participle | string |
Past | inflectional feature: past tense | string |
PhonCLX | phon. wordform, CELEX charset | string |
PhonCPA | phon. wordform, CPA charset | string |
PhonCVBr | wordform, phon CV pattern, with brackets | string |
PhonCV | wordform, phon. CV pattern | string |
PhonCnt | wordform, number of phonemes | string |
PhonDISC | phon. wordform, DISC charset | string |
PhonSAM | phon. wordform, SAM-PA charset | string |
PhonStrsCLX | syll. phon. wordform, with stress, CELEX charset | string |
PhonStrsCPA | syll. phon. wordform, with stress, CPA charset | string |
PhonStrsDISC | syll. phon. wordform, with stress, DISC charset | string |
PhonStrsSAM | syll. phon. wordform, with stress, SAM-PA charset | string |
PhonSylBCLX | syll. phon. wordform, CELEX charset (brackets) | string |
PhonSylCLX | syll. phon. wordform, CELEX charset | string |
PhonSylCPA | syll. phon. wordform, CPA charset | string |
PhonSylDISC | syll. phon. wordform, DISC charset | string |
PhonSylSAM | syll. phon. wordform, SAM-PA charset | string |
Plu | inflectional feature: plural | string |
Pos | inflectional feature: positive | string |
Pres | inflectional feature: present tense | string |
PronCnt | number of pronunciations | string |
PronNum | pronunciation number | numeric |
PronStatus | status of pronunciation | string |
Rare | inflectional feature: rare form | string |
Sin1 | inflectional feature: 1st person verb | string |
Sin2 | inflectional feature: 2nd person verb | string |
Sin3 | inflectional feature: 3rd person verb | string |
Sing | inflectional feature: singular | string |
StrsPat | wordform, stress pattern | string |
Sup | inflectional feature: superlative | string |
SylCnt | wordform, number of phonetic syllables | numeric |
TransInfl | inflectional tranformation | string |
WordCnt | word, number of letters | numeric |
WordDia | word, diacritics | string |
WordLowSort | word, lowercase, alphabetical, sorted | string |
WordLow | word, lowercase, alphabetical | string |
WordRev | word, reversed | string |
WordSylCnt | word, number of orthographic syllables | numeric |
WordSylDia | word, syllabified, diacritics | string |
WordSyl | word, syllabified | string |
Word | word | string |