Name | Description | Type |
Attr_A | for adjectives: attributive | string |
Attr_N | for nouns: attributive | string |
C_N | for nouns: countable | string |
Card_NUM | for numerals: cardinal | string |
ClassNum | word class, numeric | numeric |
Class | word class, label | string |
CobDev | COBUILD frequency deviation | numeric |
CobLog | COBUILD frequency, logarithmic | numeric |
CobMln | COBUILD frequency (1,000,000)num | string |
CobSLog | COBUILD spoken frequency, logarithmic | numeric |
CobSMln | COBUILD spoken frequency (1,000,000) | numeric |
CobS | COBUILD spoken frequency 1.3m | numeric |
CobSpellDev | COBUILD spelling frequency deviation | numeric |
CobSpellFreq | COBUILD spelling frequency | numeric |
CobWLog | COBUILD written frequency, logarithmic | numeric |
CobWMln | COBUILD written frequency (1,000,000) | numeric |
CobW | COBUILD written frequency 17.4m | numeric |
Cob | COBUILD frequency | numeric |
Comb_ADV | for adverbs: combinatory | string |
CompCnt | number of morphological components | numeric |
Comp | compound analysis method | string |
Cor_C | for conjunctions: coordinating | string |
Def | default analysis | string |
Dem_PRON | for pronouns: demonstrative | string |
DerComp | derivational compound analysis method | string |
Der | derivation analysis | string |
Det_PRON | for pronouns: determinative use | string |
Ditrans_V | for verbs: ditransitive | string |
Exp_ADV | for adverbs: expression | string |
Exp_A | for adjectives: expression | string |
Exp_NUM | for numerals: expression | string |
Exp_N | for nouns: expression | string |
Exp_PRON | for pronouns: expression | string |
Exp_V | for verbs: expression | string |
FamFreq | family frequency | numeric |
FamSize | family size | numeric |
FlatClass | flat segmentation, word class labels | string |
FlatSA | flat segmentation, stem/affix labels | string |
Flat | flat segmentation | string |
GrC_N | for nouns: group countable | string |
GrUnc_N | for nouns: group uncountable | string |
HeadCnt | headword, number of letters | numeric |
HeadDia | headword, diacritics | string |
HeadLowSort | headword, lowercase, alphabetical, sorted | string |
HeadLow | headword, lowercase, alphabetical | string |
HeadRev | headword, reversed | string |
HeadSylCnt | headword, number of orthographic syllables | numeric |
HeadSylDia | headword, syllabified, diacritics | string |
HeadSyl | headword, syllabified | string |
Head | headword | string |
Head | headword | numeric |
IdNum | lemma number | numeric |
ImmAllo | stem allomorphy, top level | string |
ImmClass | immediate segmentation, word class labels | string |
ImmInfix | infixation, top level | string |
ImmOpac | opacity, top level | string |
ImmRevers | reversion, top level | string |
ImmSA | immediate segmentation, stem/affix labels | string |
ImmSubCat | immediate segementation, subcat labels | string |
ImmSubst | affix substitution, top level | string |
Imm | immediate segmentation | string |
Intrans_V | for verbs: intransitive | string |
Lang | language information | string |
LevelCnt | number of morphological levels | numeric |
Link_V | for verbs: linking verb | string |
MorCnt | number of morphological analyses | numeric |
MorphCnt | number of morphological forms | numeric |
MorphStatus | morphological status | string |
NVAffComp | noun-verb-affix compound | string |
Ord_ADV | for adverbs: ordinary | string |
Ord_A | for adjectives: ordinary | string |
Ord_NUM | for numerals: ordinary | string |
OrthoCnt | number of spellings | numeric |
OrthoStatus | status of spelling | string |
Pers_PRON | for pronouns: personal | string |
PhonCLX | phon. headword, CELEX charset | string |
PhonCPA | phon. headword, CPA charset | string |
PhonCVBr | headword, phon CV pattern, with brackets | string |
PhonCV | headword, phon. CV pattern | string |
PhonCnt | headword, number of phonemes | numeric |
PhonDISC | phon. headword, DISC charset | string |
PhonSAM | phon. headword, SAM-PA charset | string |
PhonStrsCLX | syll. phon. headword, with stress, CELEX charset | string |
PhonStrsCPA | syll. phon. headword, with stress, CPA charset | string |
PhonStrsDISC | syll. phon. headword, with stress, DISC charset | string |
PhonStrsSAM | syll. phon. headword, with stress, SAM-PA charset | string |
PhonSylBCLX | syll. phon. headword, CELEX charset (brackets) | string |
PhonSylCLX | syll. phon. headword, CELEX charset | string |
PhonSylCPA | syll. phon. headword, CPA charset | string |
PhonSylDISC | syll. phon. headword, DISC charset | string |
PhonSylSAM | syll. phon. headword, SAM-PA charset | string |
PhrPrep_V | for verbs: phrasal prepositional verb | string |
Phr_V | for verbs: phrasal verb | string |
Plu_N | for nouns: plural use | string |
Poss_PRON | for pronouns: possessive | string |
PostPos_ADV | for adverbs: postpositive | string |
PostPos_A | for adjectives: postpositive | string |
PostPos_N | for nouns: postpositive | string |
Pred_ADV | for adverbs: predicative | string |
Pred_A | for adjectives: predicative | string |
Prep_V | for verbs: prepositional verb | string |
PronCnt | number of pronunciations | numeric |
PronStatus | status of pronunciation | string |
Pron_PRON | for pronouns: pronomial use | string |
Proper_N | for nouns: proper noun | string |
Refl_PRON | for pronouns: reflexive | string |
Sing_N | for nouns: singular use | string |
StrsPat | headword, stress pattern | numeric |
StrucAllo | stem allomorphy, any level | string |
StrucBrackLab | structured segmentation, word class labels only | string |
StrucLab | structured segmentation, word class labels | string |
StrucOpac | opacity, any level | string |
StrucSubst | affix substitution, any level | string |
Struc | structured segmentation | string |
Sub_C | for conjunctions: subordinating | string |
SylCnt | headword, number of phonetic syllables | numeric |
TransComp_V | for verbs: transitive plus complementation | string |
TransDer | derivational transformation, top level | string |
Trans_V | for verbs: transitive | string |
Unc_N | for nouns: uncountable | string |
Voc_N | for nouns: vocative | string |
Wh_PRON | for pronouns: wh-pronoun | string |