
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics

WebCelex Help - Uniqueness Points

Uniqueness points allows you to determine when the words in the home list become unique when compared with the dictionary list. If we set the retrieve mode within Uniqueness Points to Number, the character position for the uniqueness point within each word in the home list will be retrieved (-1 when a word is not unique). For example, if the home list contains aarde and appel; and the dictionary list contains aardig, aap and apert; we will obtain:


If we set the retrieve mode within Uniqueness Points to Words, the uniquely identifying string for the home words will be retrieved. In our example we will obtain:


The lists we want to examine must be specified as the Home list and Dictionary list within the file selection fields. The lists can be tables and the column number or column name must be specified within the Column fields (1 represents the first field). The tables must be of a specific format, which is compliant with the default format when a lexicon is created by WebCelex.

The format is as follows:
{Column Name 1}\Column Name 2}\...
{Value 1}\Value 2}\...

In our case we could have:

as the home list, with the column field set to 'Type' or '1'. If one wants to find the uniqueness points within one list, the Home list and Dictionary list should be one and the same. This is accomplished by leaving the Dictionary list empty.

The Table checkbox displays retrieved results in the form of a table. Otherwise, results will be displayed in the standard WebCelex format.