Name | Description | Type |
AuxNum | for verbs: auxiliary verb, numeric | numeric |
Aux | for verbs: auxiliary verb, label | string |
CardOrdNum | for numerals: cardinal/ordinal, numeric | numeric |
CardOrd | for numerals: cardinal/ordinal, label | string |
Case | for prepositions: case | string |
ClassNum | word class, numeric | numeric |
Class | word class, label | string |
CompAcc | for verbs: accusative complement | string |
CompAdv | for verbs: adverbial complement | string |
CompCnt | number of morphological components | numeric |
CompComp | for verbs: complete segmentation | string |
CompDat | for verbs: dative complement | string |
CompEsSubj | for verbs: 'Es'-subject complement | string |
CompGen | for verbs: genitive complement | string |
CompPrep | for verbs: prepositional complement | string |
CompSecAcc | for verbs: second accusative complement | string |
CompSecPrep | for verbs: second prepositional complement | string |
CompSubj | for verbs: subject complement | string |
Comp | compound analysis method | string |
Def | default analysis | string |
DerComp | derivational compound analysis method | string |
FamFreq | family frequency | numeric |
FamSize | family size | numeric |
FlatClass | flat segmentation, word class labels | string |
FlatSA | flat segmentation, stem/affix labels | string |
Flat | flat segmentation | string |
GendNum | for nouns: gender, numeric | numeric |
Gend | for nouns: gender, label | string |
Grad | for adjectives: gradability | string |
HeadCnt | headword, number of letters | numeric |
HeadDia | headword, diacritics | string |
HeadLowSort | headword, lowercase, alphabetical, sorted | string |
HeadLow | headword, lowercase, alphabetical | string |
HeadRev | headword, reversed | string |
HeadSylChg | lemma unequal to syllabified form | string |
HeadSylCnt | headword, number of orthographic syllables | numeric |
HeadSylDia | headword, syllabified, diacritics | string |
HeadSyl | headword, syllabified | string |
Head | headword | string |
IdNum | lemma number | numeric |
ImmAllo | stem allomorphy, top level | string |
ImmClass | immediate segmentation, word class labels | string |
ImmOpac | opacity, top level | string |
ImmSA | immediate segmentation, stem/affix labels | string |
ImmUml | umlaut, top level | string |
Imm | immediate segmentation | string |
InflPar | inflectional paradigm | string |
InflVar | inflectional variation | string |
LevelCnt | number of morphological levels | numeric |
MannDev | mannheim frequency deviation | string |
MannLog | mannheim frequency, logarithmic | numeric |
MannMln | mannheim frequency (1,000,000) | numeric |
MannSLog | mannheim spoken frequency, logarithmic | numeric |
MannSMln | mannheim spoken frequency (1,000,000) | numeric |
MannS | mannheim spoken frequency 0.6m | numeric |
MannWLog | mannheim written frequency, logarithmic | numeric |
MannWMln | mannheim written frequency (1,000,000) | numeric |
MannW | mannheim written frequency 5.4m | numeric |
Mann | mannheim frequency | numeric |
MorCnt | number of morphological analyses | numeric |
MorphCnt | number of morphological forms | numeric |
MorphStatus | morphological status | string |
PhonCLX | phon. headword, CELEX charset | string |
PhonCPA | phon. headword, CPA charset | string |
PhonCVBr | headword, phon CV pattern, with brackets | string |
PhonCV | headword, phon. CV pattern | string |
PhonCnt | headword, number of phonemes | numeric |
PhonDISC | phon. headword, DISC charset | string |
PhonSAM | phon. headword, SAM-PA charset | string |
PhonStCLX | phon. stem CELEX charset | string |
PhonStCPA | phon. stem, CPA charset | string |
PhonStCVBr | stem, phon. CV pattern, with brackets | string |
PhonStCV | stem, phon. CV pattern | string |
PhonStCnt | stem, number of phonemes | numeric |
PhonStDISC | phon. stem, DISC charset | string |
PhonStSAM | phon. stem, SAM-PA charset | string |
PhonStrsCLX | syll. phon. headword, with stress, CELEX charset | string |
PhonStrsCPA | syll. phon. headword, with stress, CPA charset | string |
PhonStrsDISC | syll. phon. headword, with stress, DISC charset | string |
PhonStrsSAM | syll. phon. headword, with stress, SAM-PA charset | string |
PhonStrsStCLX | syll. phon. stem, with stress, CELEX charset | string |
PhonStrsStCPA | syll. phon. stem, with stress, CPA charset | string |
PhonStrsStDISC | syll. phon. stem, with stress, DISC charset | string |
PhonStrsStSAM | syll. phon. stem, with stress, SAM-PA charset | string |
PhonSylBCLX | syll. phon. headword, CELEX charset (brackets) | string |
PhonSylCLX | syll. phon. headword, CELEX charset | string |
PhonSylCPA | syll. phon. headword, CPA charset | string |
PhonSylDISC | syll. phon. headword, DISC charset | string |
PhonSylSAM | syll. phon. headword, SAM-PA charset | string |
PhonSylStBCLX | syll. phon. stem, CELEX charset (brackets) | string |
PhonSylStCLX | syll. phon. stem, CELEX charset | string |
PhonSylStCPA | syll. phon. stem, CPA charset | string |
PhonSylStDISC | syll. phon. stem, DISC charset | string |
PhonSylStSAM | syll. phon. stem, SAM-PA charset | string |
PhonolCLX | phonological deep structure, CELEX charset | string |
PhonolSAM | phonological deep structure, SAM-PA charset | string |
PlurTant | for nouns: plurale tantum | string |
PropNum | for nouns: proper noun, numeric | numeric |
Prop | for nouns: proper noun, label | string |
Sepa | separable | string |
SingTant | for nouns: singulare tantum | string |
StStrsPat | stem, stress pattern | numeric |
StSylCnt | stem, number of phonetic syllables | numeric |
StemCnt | stem, number of letters | numeric |
StemDia | stem, diacritics | string |
StemRev | stem, reversed | string |
StemSylChg | stem unequal to syllabified form | string |
StemSylCnt | stem, number of orthographic syllables | numeric |
StemSylDia | stem, syllabified, diacritics | string |
StemSyl | stem, syllabified | string |
Stem | stem | string |
StrsPat | headword, stress pattern | string |
StrucAllo | stem allomorphy, any level | string |
StrucBracLab | structured segmentation, word class labels only | string |
StrucLab | structured segmentation, word class labels | string |
StrucOpac | stem opacity, any level | string |
StrucUml | umlaut, any level | string |
Struc | structured segmentation | string |
SubClassPNum | for pronouns: subclasses, numeric | numeric |
SubClassP | for pronouns: subclasses, label | string |
SubClassVNum | for verbs: subclasses, numeric | numeric |
SubClassV | for verbs: subclasses, label | string |
SylCnt | headword, number of phonetic syllables | numeric |